Special Education



CWC will be commencing on-site, in-person assessments for students with special needs beginning in late October, which is also happening in other schools around the county. These assessments will take place outside, one-on-one, with all PPE and other required safety protocols in place. We have been carefully planning for this launch with our dedicated special education directors and school psychologists. We thank them all for their contributions to this first limited phase of reopening. Please know that for the time being, these in-person efforts will only include assessments and not direct special education instruction. If this impacts your student, you will be contacted by CWC over the next month; please wait for us to contact you. We anticipate that completing our assessment “backlog” will take us some time to work though; we appreciate your patience as we execute our plan to complete all assessments in the next few months.

Updates on Special Education Service Schedules

Last week your school site SpEd Director sent you a copy of your unique student’s schedule. Please use this schedule, with the embedded Zoom links to start school on Monday, August 31st. Please note that the reading blocks will not be fully active in the schedule until WEEK 5. Teachers are assessing students and getting to know you conversations for the first 4 weeks of school during the reading blocks. The schedule that is below will be your student’s schedule for reading in WEEK 5. Until then, please refer to your teacher’s google classroom for directions on what to do during the reading blocks. 

A few important notes for starting school virtually:

1) If any zoom link requires a password at any time, the password for every zoom link is either: cwcmv, cwcsl, cwchw, or cwcwv. Please refer to the email you received from your school site SpEd Director.

2) As a family, you will get communication about the first 4 weeks of school from your Principal/General Education teacher and how this schedule will shift to account for the teacher doing getting to know you conversations and individual diagnostic assessments. Regardless of any of those adjustments, your special education service times will not shift

3) The Google Classroom for your student will house critical information about Specials, please refer back to it ongoing for those Specials links.

4) If at any time, you or your student needs technical support, please reference the CWC LA Technical Support Guide. If at any time you or your student needs support with Distance Learning, Please refer to the CWC LA Distance  Learning Hub.

Consent for Virtual Services/Telehealth

Due to COVID-19, the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”) has limited the ability of the Charter School to re-open for in-person instruction.  As such, and pursuant to the requirements of SB 98, the Charter School will offer distance learning. Citizens of the World will continue to provide educational opportunities virtually and will continue to provide your child with the services described in the operative IEP to the greatest extent possible.

Risks to confidentiality: Because services will take place outside of the school setting, there is potential for other people to overhear sessions if you are not in a private place during the services. Service providers will take reasonable steps to ensure student privacy. However, it is important for families to make sure your child is able to find a private place for their sessions where they will not be interrupted. It is also important for you and your child to protect the privacy of our session on the device you will be using. Students are recommended to participate in services in a room or area where other people are not present and cannot overhear the conversation. This means parents must consent to allowing students to move to a private area or use items such as headphones to create a “private space” where they and others feel comfortable to participate in services.

Risks due to technology: You understand that there are risks and consequences associated with telehealth, including but not limited to, disruption of transmission by technology failures, interruption and/or breaches of confidentiality by unauthorized persons, and/or limited ability to respond to emergencies. All attempts to keep information confidential while using telehealth systems will be made, but a guarantee of 100% confidentiality cannot be made with inherent issues with these communication systems. Signing the Telehealth Consent shows an awareness of these issues and a decision to use these audio, video, telephone and/or other audio/video communication systems for telehealth services.

Student Progress: You understand that an important part of special education services is sitting face to face with an individual, where non-verbal communication (body signals) are readily available to both the service provider and the student. Without this information, virtual/telehealth services may be slower to progress or less effective. You understand that services delivered through virtual means may or may not be as effective as in-person services.

Recording: You understand that there will be no recording of any of the online sessions by either party. All information disclosed within sessions and written records pertaining to those sessions are confidential and may not be disclosed to anyone without written authorization, except where the disclosure is permitted and/or required by law. There are both mandatory and permissive exceptions to confidentiality including but not limited to reporting child and vulnerable adult abuse, expressed imminent harm to oneself or others, or as a part of legal proceedings where information is requested by a court of law.

Emergencies: You understand that situations including emergencies and crises are inappropriate for audio/video/computer-based telehealth services. If the student is in crisis or in an emergency, you should immediately call 911 or go to the nearest hospital or crisis facility.

If you wish to withdraw your consent for virtual services/telehealth, please email your school site Special Education lead:

CWC Hollywood: Deckers, deckers@cwchollywood.org

CWC Silver Lake Elementary: Jake Tamte, jake.tamte@cwcsilverlake.org

CWC Silver Lake Middle: Stephanie Goodman, sgoodman@cwclosangeles.org

CWC Mar Vista: Liz Schulz, liz.schulz@cwcmarvista.org

CWC West Valley: Kelly Norris, knorris@cwclosangeles.org 

Information and brochures on 504 plans and student special needs are available here:

* Section 504 and Students with Disabilities brochure | English, Spanish

* Are You Puzzled by Your Child’s Special Needs? |  English, Spanish, Korean

* School Family and Support Services (SFSS) brochure | English, Spanish, Korean

* Complaint Response Unit (CRU) for Parents of Students with Disabilities brochures |  English, Spanish, Korean